Long Island Says We May Reap The Consequences

in 2013 fuss was made in Long Island over the immigration reform bill that passed in the Senate and how much money is required for boarder security. We are talking multiple billions of dollars somewhere in the 20’s.

This money for the border security for the next decade also means the number of agents will be doubled. Keep in mind we already spend $18 billion every year. To put this into perspective, we do not even spend $18 billion every year on other government officials such as FBI, ATF, U.S. Marshals, DEA or the Secret Service. In fact that is more than we spend on all those forces combined!

In a video on YouTube, Toney Cole speaks to his audience about every choice, every decision, every action has consequence. Cause and effect. What will this extra spending for security cause to happen later down the road? Things do not happen by chance or by over night. It’s a series of events that lead to another until that choice has bared its fruit whether it be positive or negative.

A new opinionated documentary from the New York Times talks about one of the consequences of our increasingly militarized border in detail. This means that choice has already started to show results. What results? A rough estimate of 2,000 people have been found dead in the deserts of Arizona since 2001.